How to Post

Dear students,

As with in-class discussions, your blog post should raise thoughtful questions and comments; they should demonstrate that you’ve put some thought and effort into them. In other words, they should be on par with the kinds of comments you would make in the classroom and other academic settings. Although some folks in the blogosphere may post comments in all lower-case letters or without punctuation, please treat your blog posts as you would an assignment you are turning in for credit and be sure to follow the conventions of academic writing. See the blog post grading criteria in the syllabus for more information.

Please sign your posts so that your TA and I know who wrote what. We will not always able to tell who you are from your WordPress username.

How to Post:

In order to access this blog, please accept the invitation from WordPress to become an “author.” I will be sending invitations during the first week of class. Once you’ve accepted the invitation, you’ll be able to create new posts. Either click on the pencil icon in the upper right-hand corner or go to “Dashboard,” then “Posts,” then “Add New.” Remember to check the appropriate category box for that week (and uncheck “uncategorized”) and add searchable keywords (tags), as many as you want, in the tag box. Both functions are located in the right-hand side tool bars. WordPress is quite user-friendly, but if you run into trouble, visit their Support page.

Tip: Type your responses in Word first, and then paste them into the “Add New Post” box. Doing so will make it easier for you to revise and will prevent your hard work from going down the drain should your browser crash mid-sentence.